Laporan 11 Practice Task 3-3 (MOS) - APTI 2 - TeachMeSoft

Laporan 11 Practice Task 3-3 (MOS) - APTI 2

Laporan 11 Practice Task 3-3 (MOS)

Practice Tasks

The practice file for these tasks is located in the MOSWord2013\Objective3 practice file folder. Save the results of the tasks in the same folder.
  • In the Word 3-3 document, do the following: 
    • Convert the paragraphs under each bold heading other than The Sequence of Events to bulleted lists that use the four-diamond bullet character. 
    • Create a custom picture bullet that depicts a clip art image of a hero, and apply the bullet to only the list in the section The Hero. 
    • Convert the paragraphs under the heading The Sequence of Events to a numbered list with the A. B. C. format. Paste a copy of the numbered list below the original, and restart the numbering of that list, using Arabic numbers instead of letters.
Sumber soal dari : Lambert, Joan. 2013. MOS 2013 Study Guide EXAM 77-418 Microsoft Word. Redmond : Microsoft Press.


1. Word 3-3 

  • a). Four-diamond bullet 
    Convert the paragraphs under each bold heading other than The Sequence of Events to bulleted lists that use the four-diamond bullet character.
    Caranya :
    🔸 Blok masing-masing Paragraf dibawah heading bercetak tebal selain The Sequence of Events ⇛ Klik tab Home ⇛ digrup Paragraph ⇛ klik tombol Bullets ⇛ Pilih four-diamond bullet.
    Four-diamond bullet
  • b). Custom picture bullet
    Create a custom picture bullet that depicts a clip art image of a hero, and apply the bullet to only the list in the section The Hero.
    Caranya :
    🔸 Blok Paragraf dibawah The Hero ⇛ klik tab Home ⇛ digrup Paragraph ⇛ klik tombol Bullets ⇛ Pilih Define New Bullet ⇛ pada kotak dialog Define New Bullet klik tab Picture ⇛ muncul kotak dialog Insert Picture klik Browser ⇛ pilih gambar yang ingin di gunakan ⇛ klik Insert ⇛ akan muncul tampilan contoh di Preview ⇛ klik Ok.
    Custom picture bullet
  • c). Convert numbered list
    Convert the paragraphs under the heading The Sequence of Events to a numbered list with the A. B. C. format. Paste a copy of the numbered list below the original, and restart the numbering of that list, using Arabic numbers instead of letters.
    Numbered list (A.B.C):
    🔸 Blok Paragraf dibawah The Sequence of Events ⇛ Klik tab Home ⇛ digrup Paragraph ⇛ klik tombol Numbering ⇛ Pilih A.B.C di Numbering Library.
    Numbered list (A.B.C)
    Numbered list (1.2.3):🔸 Copy dan paste Numbered sebelumnya (A.B.C) dibawah numbered list original ⇛ di grup Paragraph ⇛ Klik tombol Numbering ⇛ Pilih Numbering angka arab.
    Numbered list (1.2.3):

2. Tampilan hasil keseluruhan

Tampilan hasil keseluruhan

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       + Saya menggunakan Word 2019
       Soal diambil dari MOS 2013

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