Laporan 9 Practice Task 3-1 (MOS) - APTI 2 - TeachMeSoft

Laporan 9 Practice Task 3-1 (MOS) - APTI 2

Laporan 9 Practice Task 3-1 (MOS)

Practice Tasks

The practice file for these tasks is located in the MOSWord2013\Objective3 practice file folder. Save the results of the tasks in the same folder.
  • In a new document, create the following tables, separated by page breaks: 
    • Create a table that is three columns wide and four rows high. Ensure that each column is exactly 1.5” wide. 
    • Create a table that is five columns wide and six rows high. Ensure that the table is the same width as the page, and the columns are of equal width. 
    • Create a Matrix Quick Table. 
    • Draw a table that is approximately half the width and one-quarter the height of the page. Divide the table into four columns and six rows. 
  • In the Word_3-1 document, convert the tabbed list that follows the Consultation Fee Schedule heading into a table with two columns and four rows. Ensure that each column is only as wide as its content. Then convert the information that follows the In-Home Trip Charge heading into a page-width table with two columns and six rows.
Sumber soal dari : Lambert, Joan. 2013. MOS 2013 Study Guide EXAM 77-418 Microsoft Word. Redmond : Microsoft Press.


1. Create New Document

  • a). Insert table and Fixed column width
    Create a table that is three columns wide and four rows high. Ensure that each column is exactly 1.5”.
    Caranya :
    🔸 Pilih tab Insert ⇛ digrup Tables ⇛ klik panah Table ⇛ pilih Insert Table ⇛ di Table size isikan colomn 3 dan row 4 ⇛ dibagian AutoFit behavior pilih Fixed column width dan isikan 1,5" ⇛ Klik Ok.
    Insert table and Fixed column width
  • b). Insert table and AutoFit to window
    Create a table that is five columns wide and six rows high. Ensure that the table is the same width as the page, and the columns are of equal width.
    Caranya :
    🔸 Pilih tab Insert ⇛ digrup Tables ⇛ klik panah Table ⇛ pilih Insert Table ⇛ di Table size isikan colomn 5 dan row 6 ⇛ dibagian AutoFit behavior pilih AutoFit to window ⇛ Klik Ok.
     Insert table and AutoFit to window
  • c). Quick table
    Create a Matrix Quick Table.
    Caranya :
    🔸 Pilih tab Insert ⇛ digrup Tables ⇛ klik panah Table ⇛ klik Quick Tables ⇛ pilih Matrix..
    Quick table
  • d). Draw table
    Draw a table that is approximately half the width and one-quarter the height of the page. Divide the table into four columns and six rows.
    Caranya :
    🔸 Pilih tab Insert ⇛ digrup Tables ⇛ klik panah Table ⇛ pilih Draw Table ⇛ gambar sebuah table dengan lebar setengah halaman dan tinggi seperempat, kemudian buat 4 coloumn dan 6 row.
    Draw table

2. Word_3-1

In the Word_3-1 document, convert the tabbed list that follows the Consultation Fee Schedule heading into a table with two columns and four rows. Ensure that each column is only as wide as its content. Then convert the information that follows the In-Home Trip Charge heading into a page-width table with two columns and six rows.
Convert Text to Table and AutoFit to contents :
🔸 Pilih tab Insert ⇛ digrup Tables ⇛ klik panah Table ⇛ pilih Convert Text to Table ⇛ di Table size isikan colomn 2 dan row 4 ⇛ dibagian AutoFit behavior pilih AutoFit to contents ⇛ Klik Ok.

Convert Text to Table and AutoFit to contents :
🔸 Pilih tab Insert ⇛ digrup Tables ⇛ klik panah Table ⇛ pilih Convert Text to Table ⇛ di Table size isikan colomn 2 dan row 6 ⇛ dibagian AutoFit behavior pilih AutoFit to window ⇛ Klik Ok.

3. Tampilan hasil keseluruhan

▶ Create New Document
Tampilan hasil keseluruhan Create new Document

▶  Word_3-1 document
Tampilan hasil keseluruhan Word_3-1 document

 Keterangan :
       + Saya menggunakan Word 2019
       Soal diambil dari MOS 2013

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